I just came up with an idea, and as it turned out pretty cool I want to share it with all of you: It's a hardcore gym. A place where you can find hostile mobs and kill them for items, orbs or just glory.
You choose WHEN you want to fight them; and you know you are in a square room, so no more creepers will be waiting for you around the next corner.
You control the time, the space... What else can you control?
Of course, the lightning. No more worrying about the sun dawn and the surprising over-spawning of mobs, or the sun rise and the mobs dying or just going away.
It is so easy to use... You just have to switch off the lights, wait, turn on the lights and enter the room with your favourite sword and armor.
Wanna learn how to build it? ;)
Materials used:
- 12 redstone lamps
- A lot of end stone (you can use stone and derivates instead)
- Some redstone
- 24 redstone torches
- 3 or 4 redstone repeaters
- A lot of sandstone
- Some wool (optional)
- Some fences (optional)
- Few slabs (optional)
- Few torches (optional)
- 2 levers
- 2 iron doors
- 2 pressure plates
Step by step:
First of all, look at the circuit. Redstone is powering all the stones on the floor.
Let's take a look to the stones.
This part of the circuit is used to power the redstone lamp, which is 4 blocks over the the floor.
The reason why the redstone lamp is so high is that it will be exposed to creeper explosions, so you want to keep as much circuit as you can far away from the surface.
The output of a powered wire connected to a block that has a redstone torch is a 0 (no power), creating a NOT door. That 0 is connected to another NOT door, whose output is a 1. So the upper stone block is powered, and it transmits the power to the redstone lamp that lays on it and, of course, it is on.
Of course, you can make it 1 block higher just by putting the lower redstone torch on the stone block instead of on a side, but I considered that this was enough.
So here you can see how it looks like with daylight.
In this circuit the repeaters are only used to transmit the signal, they have no delay or other functions.
You can also see that I changed the stone for end stone. The reason is that end stone has higher blast resistance than normal stone. Again: the creepers.
Now it's time...
...to cover all that space...
...with 3 protecting layers of end stone (or normal stone).
At the lamp's level you want to create a sandstone layer that will be the floor.
Why sandstone? Because it's a bright color and it will help you fighting the mobs. Of course, you can use obsydian, but that would be a waist make it harder to see the monsters.
Now you just have to make the walls that will prevent you and the mobs from falling and the light from entering. Of course, you can't put windows, so it will look like a prison from outside. It's not a very crazy idea, actually.
The pressure plates open the iron doors. There aren't pressure plates inside the room, there is a lever instead. We use iron doors because zombies can open wooden ones.
The lever is connected to the circuit though this "steps".
The repeater you see is placed where the previous lever used to be.
Here you can see how the room looks like when lightened.
There is light enough to prevent hostile mobs from spawning.
And here is an outside view of the building.
I added some steps to lead to the entrance.
The lack of windows can make a building boring, so here it is a solution:
A colorful market in that unused corner!
So this is how it looks from the sky.
Now let's take a look to what it happens when you switch off the light... And switch it on again.
((((;゚Д゚))))))) OMG! I'm gonna die!
*This happened in day-time playing "difficult mode". You can graduate the amount of hostile mobs by choosing the time, the mode and the size of the room.
Some last notes...
- The height of the room is not random: I choose 2 blocks because I didn't want endermen in my building.
- You can also put the lamps in the roof and make it 3 blocks high so you can create and use snowmen.
- If you are looking only for the items monsters drop, you can use dispensers (with arrows) to kill them. Just cover a wall with them.
So if you liked this post, go ahead and follow this blog, add me to circles, subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on twitter... Everything is in the right column ;)
I will keep making this kind of posts, and I hope I will receive some feedback! So don't be afraid to leave a comment, I'm sure you will have something to say if you have been reading all the post until here! ;)
PS: English is not my native language, so I apologize if I made too many mistakes. Don't hate! ;)
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