Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Base Converter (Introducing my first iOS app)

Base Converter (Bin, Dec, Hex) for iPad icon

I’m happy to announce the launch of my first ever iOS app: Base Converter (Bin, Dec, Hex) for iPad. Here’s the description:

32-bit base converter for iOS. It translates binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers.
- Single-view app for a simpler, faster, "straight-to-the-point" usability.
- 3 different convenient keyboards for an easier typing experience.
- Display numbers aligned to keyboard for a clearer reading.
- Smart "number reseting system" when switching keyboards to avoid the burden of deleting the current number before typing another one (this option can be disabled).
- Binary numbers are separated in groups of 4 for an easier reading p.e: "1111 0010 0010 1101"
- Hexadecimal numbers are separated in pairs for an easier reading p.e: "F2 2D"
- Decimal numbers are separated in trios for an easier reading p.e: "61 997"